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Showing posts from January, 2023

W04: Familial Culture and Boundaries

 When referring to culture, one typically relates unique aspects and characteristics carried by a large group of similar standing and experience. Looking at how culture develops around the world and throughout history, it is typically started and developed passively. This is just the case, in my opinion, for each of our families. I doubt many people think of their family dynamics and interactions as "culture", but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Your family is unique, and they are how they are based on location, shared experience, tribulations, etc. Like any other culture, influence from outside variables such as other families and the broader culture around are known factors in the development; however, there are more important factors I'd like to focus on. The reading this week inspired reflection in myself on my family, extended family, and friends. Slowly I took out the influences that are less unique in specifically my family: Religion, Aspirati


 This week we took a break from serious topics, but still discussed one which is important to talk about. We talked more about family, but more specifically how each individual interacts within the family. Is there one way of family function that works better than others? How do you fit within your family and what do you do for your family? These are just some questions we posed to each other and ourselves in this week's discussions.  A large focus of this week's discussion was on different theories of family systems. The four discussed are Systems Theory, Exchange Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, and Conflict Theory. Now personally I don't think there's any one correct way to go about family dynamics or roles, but to find a balance for what works for the family as a whole. Someone may just naturally think in the way of exchange theory where for anything I do for you, you gotta do for me to keep things balanced, but for others like myself, that mentality just misses


 In the first two weeks, I was not able to participate in class much. I commonly get sick around this time of year, however, this did not stop me from actively paying attention to the topics and subjects. This topic for week 2 concerned me at first, and I was worried about how the discussion would go. That being said, I fully planned on participating and actively hearing out others and making my thoughts known if needed. I knew and understood the purpose of week 2's activity of reflecting and critiquing scientific studies and recognizing their flaws, however, I was worried about the potential segway this discussion could take. I recognize and agree that the documents brought about arguing on behalf of same-sex marriage were largely flawed and often filler, however, I don't disagree with the outcome of the Court's decision. I was worried about potential discussions going the route of uncivilized emotions, rather than simple criticism of data. Now I was unable to be present o